Questions and answers

SGP are accepted only from registered non-profit non-governmental public organizations (NGOs) of Kazakhstan. 

Project proposals from government agencies and enterprises, commercial structures (LLP, etc.) and research organizations are not accepted for consideration.

The Seventh operational phase of the GEF SGP in Kazakhstan covers such thematic areas of work as climate change (mitigation and adaptation measures, introduction of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures) and reduction of land degradation and sustainable management of land and water resources (crop and livestock production).

Relevant information on the acceptance of applications will be posted on social media and on the official websites of SGP in Kazakhstan and UNDP in Kazakhstan.

Grant applications are selected by the 
National Coordinating Committee, which currently consists of 9 members representing NGOs, academic institutions, UNDP, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The criteria for the selection of project applications are always indicated in the application acceptance announcement on the websites and on social media of SGP in Kazakhstan and UNDP in Kazakhstan.