about us

Photo: SGP Kazakhstan

The Small Grants Programme (SGP) is an initiative of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which was established in 1992 at the UN Environment Summit in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and is being implemented in 136 countries around the world. 

The GEF SGP provides financial, advisory and technical support to non-governmental organizations and local communities for the development and implementation of innovative integrated measures aimed at solving environmental problems and social and economic well-being of people.

Small Grants Programme in Kazakhstan

Since 2007, the Small Grants Program in Kazakhstan has been providing financial and technical support to local civil society communities and public organizations in the following areas:

  • Conservation of ecological systems and biological diversity
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Reducing soil degradation
  • Sustainable management of land and water resources

The SGP Kazakhstan, operated under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has implemented more than 353 projects totaling over US$ 7,654,722  and actively cooperates with the Government of Kazakhstan in terms of environmental protection and sustainable agriculture.

The goal of the SGP is to support local communities through grants and expert assistance to implement and demonstrate sustainable effective approaches aimed at solving environmental, social and economic issues.

Priority areas